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A Few Things That Could Assist Sony with PS3 Sales

1. A Price Cut - I don't even need to mention this, nor explain my reasons for putting it up here.

2. More Iconic Playstation Titles - I was thinking to myself today 'What exclusive game series has made an appearance on the PS3 that started way back on the PS1' In all honesty all I could think of was Gran Turismo, and what we've got isn't even the full game.. and in saying that I just remembered Wipeout (You could also say MGS 4 but MGS isn't owned by Sony and the games have been on other platforms). Sony needs to work on a new MediEvil and Ape Escape game for the PS3. Give us Playstation fans some heritage to play with. I know a lot of people bash you Sony for letting us know what you're doing 5 years before it'll become reality but I'd like to know, or hope, you're working on a new MediEvil, Ape Escape and even some games that originated on the PS2. Where's our Jak and Daxter, Naughty Dog?! Where's our Sly Raccoon or The Getaway? I'd bet money that there are fans waiting for these games to be announced for the PS3 before making a purchase.

3. More Advertising - Yes, more advertising, not better advertising. I love Sony's advertisements. While there are some odd ones, for the most part they are great. Where I live in Australia, down in Tassie, we don't have games occupying billboards, signs and buildings. All we have other than the Internet are TV ads. Since purchasing my PS3 roughly a year ago I've seen 1 game being advertised on Free-To-air TV, LittleBigPLanet. I don't watch TV 24-7, in fact I rarely watch TV so I can't say it's the only game that has been advertised or is being advertised on TV. But that is a sad effort. Sony should really be pushing the advertising of major games like Resistance, Killzone, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid to alert people that may not have access to the Internet (or friends) to know these titles will soon be available. I know the LBP planet ads Sony Computer Entertainment AU had on TV made my little cousin want one. Plus one for SCEA.

*note* After that small rant over advertising, I can't say MS are doing any better. I'm yet to see an ad from them. Slackers.

4. More RPGs - RPGs are what myself and many other PS3 owners want. Especially high quality JRPGs. I mean the PS1 and PS2 were riddled with them and the PS3 has as many JRPGs as the number 1 has digits. Wake up Sony, look how well White Knight Chronicles has sold in Japan in its first week. Sony, get into some sort of exclusive deal with Level-5 if you want sales, or just buy the company. We all know you can afford it. Microsoft can.